Zurich, May 22 - 25, 2025

Free repair of Ortlieb bags and backpacks

Travel & Tourism Service & Equipment

ORTLIEB offers free repair services for all bags and backpacks during Cycle Week.Visit us at the ORTLIEB booth (G30) at Gustav-Gull-Platz on Europaallee and bring your ORTLIEB favorites.


The goal of ORTLIEB is to develop products that are not only durable, but also repairable. Each product is designed to be a companion for decades. The company places particular emphasis on the use of sustainable materials and the expansion of the circular idea. Repair instead of throwing away is the motto of ORTLIEB and with over 18,000 repairs a year, the company is a true repair world champion.

ORTLIEB has deliberately designed the bags and backpacks so that individual parts can be easily replaced. This makes an active contribution to the fact that products must be replaced completely less often and thus less new goods are produced. All products have a warranty of 5 years and spare parts are available for at least ten years after an item is discontinued from the collection.


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